How do I secure ownership of a domain name ?
The easiest and fastest way involves a ‘push’ (internal transfer of the domain to another account at the same registrar) .The whois contact information is updated within just minutes in the central domain registry to reflect the changes after a push is made. If you would like you can transfer the domain to another registrar , we will provide you with all the necessary details.

Will the creation date in whois be reset if I transfer a domain name to another registrar ?
No, the creation date in whois will remain the same.

What is the annual fee for domain names ?
The annual renewal fee may vary from one registrar to another, however it is usually less than $10 a year.

What payment methods do you accept ?
We currently accept payment by escrow only. .

How quickly can I have the domain name?
Each case is different, but, if you use and pay with Paypal , you can have the purchased domain name within hours.

Will I own the domain when I buy it?
Once purchased, the domain you choose will be transferred legally to your name or company, and you will have full control over your new domain to do anything you like.

Do I get the website content with my domain purchase?
You are buying the domain(s) name only. We can offer the whole package on case by case basis.

Why should i spend thousands on a domain name when i can easily register the hyphenated version?
Check out the most popular websites today. Do any of them have hyphenated domain names? No.
There are couple of reasons for this:

1. Hyphenated domain names are really hard for folks to remember.
2. Domain names containing hyphens are not as professional as domain names without the dashes.
3. They are hard to read aloud – Imagine reading a hyphenated domain over the phone.
4. Visitors forget to include them – You could be losing traffic to your competition that has the identical domain but without the hyphen.

If you’re running an online business now it’s time to take it seriously with a premium domain name. You do want to take your business seriously don’t you? Contact us and we`ll find the perfect domain for you.